ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT =================== This document describes possible example applications of the embedded operating system distribution. LEGAL NOTICE ============ Copyright (C) 2012 Patrick "P. J." McDermott This document may be reproduced, distributed, modified, and otherwise dealt in under the terms of the Expat/MIT License: http://www.jclark.com/xml/copying.txt APPLICATION 1: REMOTELY-CONTROLLABLE STEREO SYSTEM ================================================== In this application, the operating system would run Music Player Daemon (MPD), a server program that plays audio files on one or more outputs and can be controlled by one or more local or remote client programs. MPD would be configured to output audio to the hardware audio outputs through either the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) or Open Sound System (OSS) and to allow client connections on any network interface. Once attached to a computer network, the stereo system could then be controlled by any other networked computer system running an MPD client. SOFTWARE PACKAGES ----------------- This application would require the following software programs and libraries to be packaged and built for the target hardware: * MPD * GLib * ALSA or OSS * Libav APPLICATION 2: FEDERATED MICROBLOGGING INSTANCE =============================================== In this application, the operating system would run StatusNet, a popular microblogging server platform that is federated (able to share information with other server instances such as Identi.ca). Once attached to a computer network, this microblogging appliance would allow its user(s) to communicate with users of similar applicances, Identi.ca, and other servers that implement the same protocols. SOFTWARE PACKAGES ----------------- This application would require the following software programs and libraries to be packaged and built for the target hardware: * StatusNet * PHP * MySQL * Curl * GD