Basic Installation

This software package uses a build system similar to one generated by GNU
Autoconf and Automake.

The `configure` shell script attempts to find certain system dependencies (e.g.
a shell interpreter) and configure the package to be built and installed on the
system.  Upon successful dependency resolution and configuration, the script
generates a `Makefile` in your current working directory.

The simplest way to configure, build, and install this package is:

 1. Run the `configure` script from the source directory or any other directory.
    For example, from the source directory you can run `./configure`.
 2. Run `make` to build the package.
 3. Run `make install` to install the package.  You will probably need superuser
    privileges to install files into your system.

To uninstall the package, you can run `make uninstall`.


The `configure` script accepts certain command-line options to control package
building and installation.  Run the script with the `--help` option for more


The macro `DESTDIR` affects the root directory into which the `Makefile`
installs the package.  For example, you can install the package into a
filesystem hierarchy under a directory named `dest` in the current directory by
running `make DESTDIR=dest install`.

Separate Build Directory

You can call the `configure` script from any directory on your system, and it
will detect the location of the package source directory.  It is recommended
that you create a directory outside of the package source directory and build
and install the package from there as follows:

    $ ../path/to/package/configure
    $ make
    # make install