ProteanOS Development Kit

This is prokit, the ProteanOS Development Kit.

prokit can install a ProteanOS system and run a ProteanOS shell within
an isolated file system environment using the chroot utility.  It is
similar in function to the debootstrap program of Debian and

After being built with configure and make, prokit can be installed to
the system or run in place without installation.

Installing a ProteanOS system can be done as follows (assuming use of

    $ sudo src/prokit install trunk $root

Start a ProteanOS shell in an isolated file system environment as

    $ sudo src/prokit shell $root

For more information on prokit's commands, use the help command:

    $ sudo src/prokit help

Copyright Information

Copyright (C) 2014  Patrick "P. J." McDermott

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
without any warranty.