* Add interactive frontend for installers: - Clean up `install_system()` and `installer-pc` output + Maybe write everything to an installation log file in `${root}/var/log/` - New `lib/tui.sh` interface to `lib/tui/select.sh` and `lib/tui/dialog.sh` backends (with `configure` looking for **dialog**) - Make `install_system()` accept an output callback to use instead of `info()` - Add library functions for a `select` implementation, pretty-printing sizes in decimal and binary units, and searching for block devices - Implement an interactive mode of `installer-pc`: + Change usage to `[-a -p [-m ] ]` (i.e. make all arguments optional) + Get a `Manifest` of suites from profile, present options to user + Call a profile function to get architectures (with names and descriptions) for a given suite and platform + Pass a tui function as the output callback to `install_system()`