MD -> TXT: scripts/ -n $docdir MD -> HTML: scripts/ -nl $docdir scripts/ $docdir markdown $docdir/index.txt > $docdir/index.html while read file; do \ markdown $docdir/$file.txt > $docdir/$file.html done < $docdir/series scripts/ -anL $docdir scripts/ [-ntl] docdir options -n prepend section numbers to headers -l handle hyperlinks to sections in text and table of contents pseudocode chapter = 0 for each file in $docdir/series: ++chapter ... for each header: if opt n: ... ... scripts/ docdir scripts/ [-anL] docdir options -a add "id" attributes to headers -n remove section numbers from "id" attributes (use with -a) -L increment header levels $docdir/ +- appendices | A list of appendix documents in the book. +- chapters | A list of chapter documents in the book. +- | The source file for a chapter. +- | The source file for an appendix. +- | The source file for a chapter. \- The source file for the title page.