[[!meta title="Development"]] Software Packaging ================== Packaging is the preparation of build instructions and metadata for software programs and libraries to be built and installed on users' systems. Source packages have a documented [format][spf-2.0], and a [[tutorial|dev/packaging/tutorials/basic]] on packaging is available. There is always [[more_software_to_be_packaged|dev/pkg/needed]], and [[many_packages|dev/pkg/spf-2.0]] need to be updated to the latest package format. Most source packages are maintained in [Git repositories][git-pkg]. To request a repository for your package, [contact][pehjota-contact] the system administrator. Software Development ==================== The two core components of the distribution build system, opkbuild and opkhelper, are in development. Also in development is [[opkbootstrap|dev/opkbootstrap]], a tool to install a basic ProteanOS root filesystem into a target directory. A simple build daemon infrastructure has been [[designed|dev/todo/buildd-infra]]. Technical Documentation ======================= Specifications -------------- In development is the [Source Package Format 2.0 specification][spf-2.0]. [[Instructions|dev/specs]] to clone and build the specifications are available. Policies -------- To be written is a Packaging Policy. Release Series ============== ProteanOS is released in [[series|dev/releases]]. Development is currently focused on [[release_series_1|dev/releases/1]], with version 1.0 expected in the first half of 2014. Architecture Ports ================== ProteanOS is designed to portable to many different [[hardware_architectures|dev/ports/hardware]], [[system_kernels|dev/ports/kernels]], and [[C/C++_libraries|dev/ports/libraries]]. A number of [[ports|dev/ports/list]] are planned. [spf-2.0]: http://specs.os.libiquity.com/spf-2.0/ [git-pkg]: http://git.os.libiquity.com/pkg/ [pehjota-contact]: http://www.pehjota.net/contact.html