[[!meta title="VALS Semester of Code"]] The [Semester of Code][soc] is an initiative of the European [Virtual Alliances for Learning Society][vals] project. It connects computer science students in European universities with mentors in free software and open source organizations to complete software development projects. ProteanOS is participating in the VALS Semester of Code pilot program. We have submitted the following five project proposals: * [[Wayland and Weston packages|wayland-weston]] * [[GTK+ 3 and other GNOME library packages|gnome-libs]] * [[Multiarch and cross toolchains|ma-and-cross-toolchains]] * [[Lemon POS Qt 5 port and packages|lemon-pos]] * [[Propose your own application for ProteanOS|propose-app]] [soc]: http://semesterofcode.com/?p=5 [vals]: http://virtualalliances.eu/what-is-vals/