[[!meta title="opkbuild"]] opkbuild is a distribution build system – a set of tools for building software packages. From source packages it builds binary packages for use with the [opkg package manager][opkg]. Currently one format of source package is supported by opkbuild: ProteanOS [Source Package Format 2.0][spf-2.0]. opkbuild is similar in function to the [development library and utilities of dpkg][dpkg-dev] ([sources][dpkg-dev-git]), the Debian package manager. [opkg]: https://code.google.com/p/opkg/ [spf-2.0]: http://specs.proteanos.com/spf-2.0/ [dpkg-dev]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/dpkg-dev [dpkg-dev-git]: https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=dpkg/dpkg.git;a=tree;f=scripts Downloading =========== The current version of opkbuild is [3.0.0-beta4][rel-ann]. opkbuild can be found on the ProteanOS files site by [HTTP][dl-http] or [FTP][dl-ftp]. opkbuild is maintained in a [Git repository][repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git`. [rel-ann]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2014/05/msg00004.html [dl-http]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkbuild/ [dl-ftp]: ftp://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkbuild/ [repo-http]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git/ Mailing List ============ Bug reports, feature requests, and patches for opkbuild are welcome on the [ProteanOS development mailing list][proteanos-dev]. [proteanos-dev]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/