[[!meta title="opkbuild"]] opkbuild is a distribution build system – a set of tools for building software packages. From source packages it builds binary packages for use with the opkg package manager. Currently one format of source package is supported by opkbuild: ProteanOS [Source Package Format 2.0][spf-2.0]. opkbuild is similar in function to the [development library][libdpkg-perl] and [utilities][dpkg-dev] of [dpkg][dpkg], the Debian package manager. [spf-2.0]: http://specs.proteanos.com/spf-2.0/ [libdpkg-perl]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/libdpkg-perl [dpkg-dev]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/dpkg-dev [dpkg]: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/ Downloading =========== The current version of opkbuild is [4.0.2][rel-ann]. opkbuild can be found on the ProteanOS files site by [HTTP][dl-http] or [FTP][dl-ftp]. opkbuild is maintained in a [Git repository][repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git`. [rel-ann]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2019/04/msg00001.html [dl-http]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkbuild/ [dl-ftp]: ftp://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkbuild/ [repo-http]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git/ Mailing List ============ Bug reports, feature requests, and patches for opkbuild are welcome on the [ProteanOS development mailing list][proteanos-dev]. [proteanos-dev]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/