[[!meta title="opkhelper"]] This is opkhelper, a collection of utilities to automate common tasks in building distribution packages using opkbuild. Included in opkhelper are programs to automatically work with package build systems, fix file owners and modes, strip binary files, and install files into binary packages, etc. opkhelper is inspired by debhelper, a similar collection of programs for Debian. Downloading =========== The current version of opkhelper is [3.0.0][rel-ann]. opkhelper can be found on the ProteanOS files site by [HTTP][dl-http] or [FTP][dl-ftp]. opkhelper is maintained in a [Git repository][repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://git.proteanos.com/opkhelper/opkhelper.git`. [rel-ann]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2014/03/msg00000.html [dl-http]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkhelper/ [dl-ftp]: ftp://files.proteanos.com/pub/opkhelper/ [repo-http]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkhelper/opkhelper.git/ Mailing List ============ Bug reports, feature requests, and patches for opkhelper are welcome on the [ProteanOS development mailing list][proteanos-dev]. [proteanos-dev]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/