[[!meta title="ProteanOS Development Kit"]] This is prokit, the ProteanOS Development Kit. prokit can install a ProteanOS system, run a ProteanOS shell and other commands, manage software packages in an installed ProteanOS system, and build packages for ProteanOS (with build dependencies automatically installed and removed). prokit is similar in function to the debootstrap, pbuilder, and sbuild programs of Debian and derivatives. Downloading =========== The current version of prokit is [0.1.0][rel-ann]. prokit can be found on the ProteanOS files site by [HTTP][dl-http] or [FTP][dl-ftp]. prokit is maintained in a [Git repository][repo-http], which can be cloned from `git://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git`. [rel-ann]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2014/08/msg00002.html [dl-http]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/prokit/ [dl-ftp]: ftp://files.proteanos.com/pub/prokit/ [repo-http]: http://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git/ Mailing List ============ Bug reports, feature requests, and patches for prokit are welcome on the [ProteanOS development mailing list][proteanos-dev]. [proteanos-dev]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/