[[!meta title="Release Series 1"]] This page documents the 1.x release series, which succeeds the [[0.x_series|dev/releases/0]] and will eventually be succeeded by the [[2.x_series|dev/releases/2]]. Life Cycle ========== * 2012-05-29: [Initial draft][arch-str-draft] of Architecture String Syntax specification * 2012-06-27: [Initial draft][spf-2.0-draft] of Source Package Format 2.0 specification * 2012-07-26: [Start of development][opkhelper-2.0.0-start] on opkhelper 2.0.0 * 2012-09-04: [Start of development][opkbuild-3.0.0-start] on redesigned build system * 2012-10-11: Releases of [opkbuild 3.0.0-alpha1][opkbuild-3.0.0-alpha1] and [opkhelper 3.0.0-alpha1][opkhelper-3.0.0-alpha1] * 2013-05-11: Start of initial port [[bootstrap|dev/ports/core-linux-eglibc/bootstrap]] * 2013-05-31: [Start of development][initial-bootstrap-start] on initial port bootstrap scripts * 2013-07-03: ProteanOS [built itself][self-hosting] * 2013-09-10: [Release][pro-archman-1.0.0] of [[pro-archman|dev/pro-archman]] 1.0.0 * 2013-09-21: dejagnu and its dependencies tcl8.6 and expect packaged to enable unit tests in certain packages * 2013-12-07: Bootstrap testing started on a node of a research supercomputer * 2014-01-28: First source packages uploaded to package archive ([expat][expat-rel], [zlib][zlib-rel]) * 2014-03-17: Last pre-bootstrap [source package][base-files-rel] reviewed and uploaded to package archive * 2014-03-19: Bootstrapped binary packages uploaded to package archive * 2014-03-20: ProteanOS 1.0 [installed][miniprokit-start] for the first time, using miniprokit * 2014-03-22: [Lightning talk][lp2014-talks] given at LibrePlanet 2014 conference (slides: [PDF][lp2014-slides-pdf], [ODP][lp2014-slides-odp]) * 2014-05-09: ProteanOS 1.0 first booted on its [first hardware target][ao751h-port], the Acer Aspire One AO751h netbook * 2014-05-13: linux-image and linux-sysmap binary packages for ao751h platform [uploaded][linux-image] to package archive * 2014-??: Projected release of version 1.0 For more information on remaining tasks, see the [[roadmap|dev/releases/1/roadmap]]. [arch-str-draft]: http://git.proteanos.com/doc/specs.git/commit/?id=e0ab98c [spf-2.0-draft]: http://git.proteanos.com/doc/specs.git/commit/?id=6ead5b7 [opkhelper-2.0.0-start]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkhelper/opkhelper.git/commit/?id=129aee4 [opkbuild-3.0.0-start]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git/commit/?id=3e96c59 [opkbuild-3.0.0-alpha1]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkbuild/opkbuild.git/commit/?id=2e3378b [opkhelper-3.0.0-alpha1]: http://git.proteanos.com/opkhelper/opkhelper.git/commit/?id=6f59eb5 [initial-bootstrap-start]: http://git.proteanos.com/porting/initial-bootstrap.git/commit/?id=14d460f [self-hosting]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2013/07/msg00000.html [pro-archman-1.0.0]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2013/09/msg00001.html [expat-rel]: http://git.proteanos.com/pkg/linux-libre.git/tree/changelog?id=c762ee2 [zlib-rel]: http://git.proteanos.com/pkg/zlib.git/commit/?id=046ad5f [base-files-rel]: http://git.proteanos.com/pkg/base-files.git/commit/?id=d2be00b [miniprokit-start]: http://git.proteanos.com/miniprokit/miniprokit.git/commit/?id=1c6c9e1 [lp2014-talks]: https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2014/Lightning_Talks#Session_2:_11:50_-_12:35 [lp2014-slides-odp]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/presentations/lp2014.odp [lp2014-slides-pdf]: http://files.proteanos.com/pub/presentations/lp2014.pdf [ao751h-port]: http://lists.proteanos.com/proteanos-dev/2014/05/msg00005.html [linux-image]: http://git.proteanos.com/pkg/linux-libre.git/tree/changelog?id=c762ee2 Release Goals ============= Overall, the goal of this release is to make development of the distribution much easier and to lower the barrier to entry for new contributors. It should be easy for developers to download and install on their existing systems a development environment and to build software packages in that environment. Notable Packages ---------------- * GNU Linux-libre 3.10.x * BusyBox 1.21.x * opkg 0.2.x * EGLIBC 2.19 * GCC 4.7.x * GNU Binutils 2.23 * GNU Make 4.0 * opkbuild 3.0.x * opkhelper 3.0.x [[Complete_list|dev/releases/1/packages]] New Features ------------ * Development toolchains * [[Partial multiarch_support|dev/releases/1/multiarch]] * Installation tools * Improved init system * Boot loader * Networking features: - DHCP (client and server) - Wi-Fi (client and AP) - Routing and firewall support * Framebuffer image viewing * Audio playback and recording Architectures ------------- * amd64-linux-glibc * i686-linux-glibc Programming Languages --------------------- * Assembly * C * C++ * UNIX shell command language (and sed, awk, bc, and dc) * UNIX makefile syntax * M4 * Tcl * Expect Formats and Policies -------------------- * [Source Package Format 2.0][spf-2.0] * [Architecture String Syntax][arch-str] * Multiarch * [Software Inclusion Policy][sip] * Packaging Policy 1.0 [spf-2.0]: http://specs.proteanos.com/spf-2.0/ [arch-str]: http://specs.proteanos.com/architecture-string.html [sip]: http://policies.proteanos.com/inclusion/