[[!meta title="Installing BusyBox Without BusyBox"]] **or, Adventures in Regressions and Crazy Ideas** `opkg` and the Outsourced Inflation =================================== The Problem ----------- opkg-lede now [relies][opkg-lede-dd4c78a] on an external `gzip` executable. When upgrading a package, it tries to execute `gzip` to unpack maintainer scripts and data files [after][opkg_install_pkg] removing the old version of the package. When the package being upgraded is `busybox`, which provides `gzip`, `opkg` crashes and leaves behind a completely broken system. [opkg-lede-dd4c78a]: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/opkg-lede.git;a=commitdiff;h=dd4c78aa88efd3b9cf516030937c684814df7962 [opkg_install_pkg]: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/opkg-lede.git;a=blob;f=libopkg/opkg_install.c;hb=d4ba162#l1520 Possible Solutions ------------------ A wrapper script that calls `opkg-cl` (the actual binary executable) needs to save a copy of `/bin/busybox` which `opkg-cl` can execute as `gzip`. **Solution 1:** `opkg-cl`'s [`gzip_exec()`][gzip_exec] is patched to execute the absolute path of the `busybox` copy as `gzip`. **Solution 2:** The wrapper copies `/bin/busybox` to an empty directory and either names the copy `gzip` or generates links to it. It then runs `opkg-cl` with the (temporary) directory in `PATH`. [gzip_exec]: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/opkg-lede.git;a=blob;f=libbb/gzip.c;hb=d4ba162#l70 The Amazing Alternatives of `busybox` ===================================== The Problem ----------- Instead of adding alternatives one at a time, [it would be nice][bb-ua] to manage all of `busybox`'s utility links using `update-alternatives`. Unfortunately, the maintainer script that runs `update-alternatives` (as well as the `update-alternatives` script itself) needs a few `busybox` utilities (`/bin/sh` for a start). Thus, after an older version of `busybox` is deconfigured, a newer version can't be configured. `busybox` also can't be configured when first unpacked by `prokit`. [bb-ua]: http://git.proteanos.com/pkg/busybox.git/commit/?id=1558d05c62ed90f7d93a14533541c33896b7b733 A Non-Solution -------------- `busybox`'s `postinst` script doesn't execute any commands that aren't `ash` built-ins, but it will need to have its interpreter line changed from `#!/bin/sh` to `#!/bin/busybox sh`. `update-alternatives` will need to be modified (rewritten?) to execute `busybox` directly. However, there are at least two problems with this approach. When installing a system, `busybox` won't necessarily be the first package to be configured. Other maintainer scripts may be executed before `busybox`'s `postinst` is able to create the utility links they need. Additionally, foreign-architecture system installations aren't configured at install time. Instead, they need to be able to at least boot far enough to run `opkg install $(opkg list-installed | cut -d " " -f 1)`, which, again as above, may run other maintainer scripts before `busybox`'s `postinst`. Another possible solution is to add special-case code to `prokit` to create `busybox`'s links between unpacking and configuring, but that further opens the can of worms that is compatibility between versions of `prokit` and the distribution it installs. The End? -------- Perhaps this idea is too crazy?