[[!meta title="Getting the ProteanOS Development Kit"]] [[←_Back_to_Installing_ProteanOS|doc/install]] The [[ProteanOS_Development_Kit|dev/prokit]], or prokit, is a software package for installing, managing, and developing ProteanOS systems. prokit enables you to install a ProteanOS system, run a ProteanOS shell and other commands, manage software packages on an installed ProteanOS system, and build packages for ProteanOS. Dependencies ============ Building prokit requires make, a POSIX-conformant shell with `local`, and basic standard utilities. Git and GNU Autoconf and Automake are currently also required. Running prokit requires the following utilities: * A POSIX-conformant shell with `local` and standard utilities * gunzip * Either sfdisk or fdisk * mke2fs * cpio * xz from XZ Utils * mount * umount * chroot prokit also requires OpenWrt's usign utility to verify archive signatures. A system copy of usign can be used, however few distributions provide one. An embedded copy of usign is included, building of which additionally requires: * CMake * A C compiler such as GCC and standard C library headers On a Debian-based distribution such as Trisquel, `sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake` is sufficient. To install and manage ProteanOS systems you need a host system running Linux 3.4 or later. The ProteanOS Development Kit uses the **mount**(8) , **umount**(8), and **chroot**(8) commands, which on Linux require superuser access. This guide assumes the use of **sudo**(8) for running commands with superuser privileges. Adjust where necessary if you don't use **sudo**(8). Downloading the ProteanOS Development Kit ========================================= The current released version (2.0.1) of prokit lacks features now used by the ProteanOS package archive. Clone prokit from the [Git repository][prokit-git]: $ git clone git://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git $ cd prokit/ [prokit-git]: http://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git/ Building the ProteanOS Development Kit ====================================== Configure and build prokit: $ ./autogen.sh $ make Installing the ProteanOS Development Kit ======================================== It is recommended but not necessary that you install prokit to your system: $ sudo make install Check that the installation was successful: $ prokit version The ProteanOS Development Kit Manual ==================================== prokit comes with a manual, starting with the **prokit**(1) page: $ man prokit Or, if you didn't install prokit, you can find the manual by running: $ man man/prokit.1 The manual is also available from the [[prokit_homepage|dev/prokit]].