[[!meta title="Getting the ProteanOS Development Kit"]] [[←_Back_to_Installing_ProteanOS|doc/install]] The [[ProteanOS_Development_Kit|dev/prokit]], or prokit, is a software package for installing, managing, and developing ProteanOS systems. prokit enables you to install a ProteanOS system, run a ProteanOS shell and other commands, manage software packages on an installed ProteanOS system, and build packages for ProteanOS. Building and installing prokit is easy. Ensure you have a **make**(1) utility such as GNU Make installed. No C or C++ compiler or other development tools are necessary to build prokit. To install and manage ProteanOS systems you need a host system running Linux 3.4 or later. The ProteanOS Development Kit uses the **chroot**(8) and **mount**(8) commands, which on Linux require superuser access. This guide assumes the use of **sudo**(8) for running commands with superuser privileges. Adjust where necessary if you don't use **sudo**(8). Downloading the ProteanOS Development Kit ========================================= Clone prokit from the [Git repository][prokit-git]: $ git clone git://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git $ cd prokit/ *(Using the current released version, 1.1.0, is not recommended at this time, as the Git repository contains numerous major [improvements][prokit-news] including use of an updated mirrors list and installer commands for PC block devices and initramfs images. The head of the Git master branch is stable, with no known bugs. Version 2.0.0 will be released soon, pending some additional new features.)* Users of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre and Arch [GNU/]Linux can find prokit packages in the AUR (thanks to Serge Victor): * [prokit-git][aur-prokit-git] [prokit-git]: http://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git/ [prokit-news]: http://git.proteanos.com/prokit/prokit.git/tree/NEWS/ [aur-prokit-git]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/prokit-git/ Building the ProteanOS Development Kit ====================================== Configure and build prokit: $ ./autogen.sh $ make To build from the repository you'll need to have GNU Autoconf and Automake installed. Installing the ProteanOS Development Kit ======================================== It is recommended but not necessary that you install prokit to your system: $ sudo make install Check that the installation was successful: $ prokit version The ProteanOS Development Kit Manual ==================================== prokit comes with a manual, starting with the **prokit**(1) page: $ man prokit Or, if you didn't install prokit, you can find the manual by running: $ man man/prokit.1