path: root/locale/
diff options
authorP. J. McDermott <>2012-10-09 17:18:49 (EDT)
committer P. J. McDermott <>2012-10-09 17:18:49 (EDT)
commit0d39ddc7f1c2672b67dc9f77c9fa43fdeb147a47 (patch)
tree329e0c96d88a1309e00c9f0178a915bf1dc8e185 /locale/
parent9d009aeca90091f70901e50086fab3402d827745 (diff)
Remove old locale file.
Diffstat (limited to 'locale/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/locale/ b/locale/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca37f8b..0000000
--- a/locale/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# opkhelper
-# locale/en_US
-# English message strings.
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Patrick "P. J." McDermott
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# General strings
-oh_str_list_item_separator=', '
-# lib/control
-oh_str_control_bad_nv='badly formatted control field'
-oh_str_control_unknown_field='unrecognized field "%s"'
-oh_str_control_duplicate_field='duplicate field "%s"'
-oh_str_control_found_continuation='found continuation line where exepected start of field'
-oh_str_control_missing_fields='missing fields: %s'
-# lib/changelog
-oh_str_changelog_expect_first_heading='first heading'
-oh_str_changelog_expect_next_or_eof='next heading or eof'
-oh_str_changelog_expect_start_changes='start of change data'
-oh_str_changelog_expect_changes_or_trailer='more change data or trailer'
-oh_str_changelog_found_blank_line='found blank line where expected %s'
-oh_str_changelog_found_heading='found start of entry where expected %s'
-oh_str_changelog_bad_heading='badly formatted heading line'
-oh_str_changelog_bad_source='invalid source package name "%s"'
-oh_str_changelog_bad_source_version='invalid source package version identifier "%s"'
-oh_str_changelog_found_trailer='found trailer where expected %s'
-oh_str_changelog_bad_trailer='badly formatted trailer line'
-oh_str_changelog_found_change='found change data where expected %s'
-oh_str_changelog_bad_line='unrecognized line'
-oh_str_changelog_found_eof='found eof where expected %s'
-# All utilities
-oh_str_usage_none='No usage found'
-oh_str_help_none='No help found'
-oh_str_version='%s (%s) %s
-Copyright (C) 2012 Patrick "P. J." McDermott
-License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
-This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
-There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
-Written by P. J. McDermott.'
-oh_str_bad_opt='Invalid option "%s"'
-# opkbuild
-oh_str_usage_opkbuild='Usage: opkbuild [<option>...]'
- -b build only binary packages
- -B build only architecture-dependent binary packages
- -A build only architecture-independent binary packages
- -S build only the source package
- -F build the source package and all binary packages
- -T <target> target of the "build" makefile to build
- -a <host-arch> distribution architecture for which architecture-
- dependent packages should be built (default: system
- architecture)
- -P <host-plat> application platform for which platform-specific
- packages should be configured (default: system
- platform)
- -D check build dependencies (default behavior)
- -d do not check build dependencies
- -C clean source packaging after build (default behavior
- unless the -T option is given)
- -c do not clean source packaging
- -r <uid0-cmd> command to assume user ID 0 (default: fakeroot)
- -h display this help and exit
- -V display the version and exit'
-oh_str_bbasf_mutex='Options -b, -B, -A, -S, and -F are mutually exclusive'
-oh_str_uid0_cmd_not_found='UID 0 command "%s" not found'
-oh_str_uid0_cmd_bad_uid='UID 0 command "%s" doesn'\''t give UID 0'
-oh_str_find_sanity='Looking for sanity...'
-oh_str_no_format='No "format" file found'
-oh_str_unsupported_format='Source package format "%s" unsupported'
-oh_str_no_control='No "control" file found'
-oh_str_no_config='No "config" file found'
-oh_str_no_copyright='No "copyright" file found'
-oh_str_no_changelog='No "changelog" file found'
-oh_str_installing_src_pkg_files='Installing files for source package...'
-oh_str_cant_make_src_pkg_dir='Can'\''t make data directory for source package'
-oh_str_cant_install_src_pkg_file='Can'\''t install source package file'
-oh_str_cant_rm_src_pkg_data='Can'\''t clean up data directory for source package'
-oh_str_build_arch_stat_header='Build system:'
-oh_str_arch_stat_arch=' Architecture: %s'
-oh_str_arch_stat_plat=' Platform: %s'
-oh_str_host_arch_stat_header='Host system:'
-oh_str_asterisk_binary_package='Clever user found'
-oh_str_no_binary_packages='No binary packages found'
-oh_str_bad_binary_package_name='Invalid binary package name "%s"'
-oh_str_cant_make_work_area='Can'\''t make work area'
-oh_str_cant_enter_work_area='Can'\''t enter work area'
-# oh-checkbuilddeps
-oh_str_checking_build_deps='Checking build dependencies...'
-# oh-unpacksource
-oh_str_usage_oh_unpacksource='Usage: oh-unpacksource'
-oh_str_unpacking_native='Copying native source directory...'
-oh_str_cant_unpack_native='Can'\''t copy native source directory'
-oh_str_no_sources='No native or upstream sources found'
-oh_str_multiple_upstream_sources='Multiple upstream source archives found'
-oh_str_unsupported_archive_compression='Compression format with extension "%s" nsupported'
-oh_str_no_upstream_dirs='No directories found in upstream source archive'
-oh_str_multiple_top_upstream_dirs='Multiple top-level directories found in upstream source archive'
-oh_str_unpacking_upstream='Extracting upstream source archive...'
-oh_str_cant_unpack_upstream='Can'\''t extract upstream source archive'
-oh_str_cant_move_native='Can'\''t move extracted upstream source directory'
-# oh-applypatches
-oh_str_usage_oh_applypatches='Usage: oh-applypatches'
-oh_str_applying_patch='Applying patch "%s"...'
-oh_str_cant_apply_patch='Can'\''t apply patch "%s"'
-oh_str_no_patches='No patches to be applied'
-# oh-copyconfig
-oh_str_usage_oh_copyconfig='Usage: oh-copyconfig'
-oh_str_no_plat_config='No config files to be copied'
-oh_str_bad_config_syntax='Syntax error in platform configuration file list "%s"'
-oh_str_cant_make_config_dest_dir='Can'\''t make directory "%s" for platform configuration'
-oh_str_no_config_dir='No platform configuration files found'
-oh_str_copying_config_file='Copying configuration file "%s" to "%s"...'
-oh_str_cant_copy_config_file='Can'\''t copy configuration file'
-# oh-parsechangelog
-oh_str_usage_oh_parsechangelog='Usage: oh-parsechangelog'
-# oh-gencontrol
-oh_str_usage_oh_gencontrol='Usage: oh-gencontrol'