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authorPatrick McDermott <>2020-12-02 03:33:18 (EST)
committer Patrick McDermott <>2020-12-02 07:31:28 (EST)
commitb123eac322250f17b037b7cde275d2a0cf14824a (patch)
parent5f454f16586d637008f3e712f220f8ebf1bbb4b0 (diff)
README.copyright: New file
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.copyright b/README.copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3cfe92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Starting from Scratch
+First of course, unpack a clean source tree:
+ $ sudo rm -Rf tmp
+ $ sudo prokit build $root -bcT nop .
+Next get a list of all C source files (706 files as of version 1.32.0) that may
+be built into the `busybox` binary:
+ $ cd tmp/src/
+ tmp/src$ find * -name '*.[ch]' -a \! -path 'examples/*' \
+ > -a \! -path 'scripts/*' -a \! -path 'shell/*_test/*' | sort 0<../../.files
+The most common license notice text (in 359 files as of version 1.32.0) is
+"Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree." The
+second most common text (in 210 files) is "Licensed under GPLv2, see file
+LICENSE in this source tree." Some (5) files contain both notices:
+ tmp/src$ cat ../../.files | xargs grep -Fl \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree.' \
+ > | xargs grep -Fl \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree.'
+ archival/bbunzip.c
+ coreutils/cat.c
+ libbb/hash_md5_sha.c
+ loginutils/cryptpw.c
+ util-linux/mount.c
+Extract copyright comments from these (354 and 205) files:
+ tmp/src$ cat ../../.files | xargs grep -Fl \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree.' \
+ > | grep -Ev
+ > '^(archival/bbunzip.c|coreutils/cat.c|libbb/hash_md5_sha.c'\
+ > '|loginutils/cryptpw.c|util-linux/mount.c)$'
+ > | xargs ../../extract-copyright-comments \
+ > 1>../../.copyright-comments.gplv2orlater
+ tmp/src$ cat ../../.files | xargs grep -Fl \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree.' \
+ > | grep -Ev
+ > '^(archival/bbunzip.c|coreutils/cat.c|libbb/hash_md5_sha.c'\
+ > '|loginutils/cryptpw.c|util-linux/mount.c)$'
+ > | xargs ../../extract-copyright-comments \
+ > 1>../../.copyright-comments.gplv2
+This can take around 45 minutes total on a 3.3-GHz Opteron 4238 CPU.
+Edit the files `copyright`, `.copyright-comments.gplv2orlater`, and
+`.copyright-comments.gplv2`. Find all the unusual copyright and license notices
+(e.g. portions of code copied from elsewhere under other licenses), list them
+separately in `copyright`, and remove them from the `.copyright-comments.*`
+files. Also remove comments where "(c)" appears as C code rather than as a
+copyright symbol (found in at least `shell/shell_common.c`).
+With only files with simply the common license notices remaining, extract the
+file names:
+ $ printf '%s, ' $(grep -v '^[[:space:]]' .copyright-comments.gplv2orlater) \
+ > | fold -s -w 81 | sed 's/ $//; $s/,$//'
+ $ printf '%s, ' $(grep -v '^[[:space:]]' .copyright-comments.gplv2) \
+ > | fold -s -w 81 | sed 's/ $//; $s/,$//'
+Add these file names and the copyright and license notices to `copyright`.
+Next extract copyright comments from the files found earlier to have both
+GPLv2-or-later and GPLv2-only license notices:
+ tmp/src$ ../../extract-copyright-comments \
+ > archival/bbunzip.c coreutils/cat.c libbb/hash_md5_sha.c \
+ > loginutils/cryptpw.c util-linux/mount.c \
+ > 1>../../.copyright-comments.gplv2both
+Edit the files `copyright` and `.copyright-comments.gplv2both`, moving copyright
+and license notices from the latter to the former.
+Now extract copyright comments from all the other (147 in version 1.32.0) files:
+ tmp/src$ cat ../../.files | xargs grep -FL \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this source tree.' \
+ > | xargs grep -FL \
+ > 'Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree.' \
+ > 1>../../.copyright-comments.other
+And again edit `copyright` and `.copyright-comments.other`, moving copyright and
+license notices from the latter to the former.
+Also manually check the shell scripts under `applets_sh/` for copyright and
+license notices. As of version 1.32.0 there are two files with no such notices,
+and since these scripts are embedded as-is into the `busybox` binary, it's
+unlikely that there will ever be any verbose comments.
+Upgrading to a New Upstream Version
+Before upgrading, unpack a clean source tree of the old version:
+ $ sudo rm -Rf tmp
+ $ sudo prokit build $root -bcT nop .
+Next get a list of all C source files (706 files as of version 1.32.0) that may
+be built into the `busybox` binary, and extract all the copyright comments:
+ $ cd tmp/src/
+ tmp/src$ find * -name '*.[ch]' -a \! -path 'examples/*' \
+ > -a \! -path 'scripts/*' -a \! -path 'shell/*_test/*' | \
+ > xargs ../../extract-copyright-comments 1>../../.copyright-comments.old
+Now upgrade to the new upstream version (by editing `changelog` and downloading
+the new upstream source archive). Unpack a clean source tree of the new
+version, and then get the copyright commands from all relevant C source files in
+the new version:
+ $ sudo rm -Rf tmp
+ $ sudo prokit build $root -bcT nop .
+ $ cd tmp/src/
+ tmp/src$ find * -name '*.[ch]' -a \! -path 'examples/*' \
+ > -a \! -path 'scripts/*' -a \! -path 'shell/*_test/*' | \
+ > xargs ../../extract-copyright-comments 1>../../
+Finally compare the differences between the old and new copyright comments, and
+add these changes to the `copyright` file:
+ $ diff -u .copyright-comments.old | less