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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/dev/pkg/opkg.mdwn b/dev/pkg/opkg.mdwn
index 4a881cd..6971cf2 100644
--- a/dev/pkg/opkg.mdwn
+++ b/dev/pkg/opkg.mdwn
@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ the code size restraints of embedded systems in mind.
And in August 2015, support for external dependency solver libraries was added,
so as to remove additional complexity from opkg and leave dependency solving to
another project. Unfortunately, this also [pulls][solver] in
-[another][solver-patch] large [library][oe-pw-libsolv], openSUSE's [libsolv][libsolv]. As of now, this
-dependency is still optional, and the original internal solver can still be
-used. However, the current maintainer has [indicated][libsolv-focus] that the
-internal solver will eventually be deprecated.
+[another][solver-patch] large [library][oe-pw-libsolv], openSUSE's
+[libsolv][libsolv]. As of now, this dependency is still optional, and the
+original internal solver can still be used. However, the current maintainer has
+[indicated][libsolv-focus] that the internal solver will eventually be